



Self esteem comes from your capability to survive and thrive, which basically is categorized by being smart, able to pay for basic necessities, plus something fun or rewarding, being healthy, and looking good (although that’s very subjective and depends on the event). Luckily, you don’t have to have all these things, all at once, all the time to feel good.

We all are a mix of haves and have-nots. If these things are balanced, and those around you are balanced, it works perfectly. Otherwise, you might feel insecure at times when you don’t have, and feel that someone might put you down. 

The more positive internal talk you have towards yourself boosts your self-esteem. You need to work towards strengthening the areas that you don’t have, and eventually you’ll get it. Sometimes in life there are permanent things that happen which cannot be reversed or worked towards. If that’s the case, focus on the areas that you have and are able to work towards. 

The last step is that you need to learn how to communicate your needs and wants in order to get help from other people. 

Reading, writing, and speaking will help you to boost self-esteem. So instead of getting upset about what you don’t have, you can try figuring out ways to communicate what you need in hopes of attaining it. Then you’ll have more self-esteem about your trajectory and abilities to attain something, rather than what you already have.  

During this process, you will learn how others can help you and how you can help others. You will build character, kindness and humor, and be more knowledgeable. You will be able to work through situations that arise. You won’t feel so down on yourself and you can be more ready to take active steps to reaching your goals.

If you want to book a session to talk through this more in depth please contact me

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