5 Signs You Have Dyslexia

5 Signs You Have Dyslexia

5 signs you might have dyslexia 

1. Do you mix up letters or numbers when you read? 
2. Do lines blur together when you read? 
3. Do you lose focus easily and then start to daydream immediately and space out constantly?

4. Does someone speak to you but the meaning of the whole sentence doesn’t make sense? Aka, you understand the meaning of the words, but not the meaning of the whole sentence? 

5. Do you mix up words when you speak that sound similar but are not closely related in meaning? 

If this sounds like you, you might have dyslexia! Dyslexia is a learning disability. Dyslexia does not mean something is wrong or damaged with your auditory or visual cortex. It means the processing is mixed up. Doctors don’t know exactly why. There’s no need for medication, just training yourself how to maintain focus and be able to read or listen better. 

Here’s three ways to maintain focus that I use and can help you too. 

1. Learn Qi Gong breathing technique to refocus your mind and strengthen your ability to maintain focus. 

Take my intro course online: https://chigongathome.thinkific.com/courses/intro

2. Ask yourself questions: what is the point of this conversation? What is the main goal or end result? Can I guess the steps that I need to do to that achievable? Maybe that’s what the other person is asking me to do.

3. Run your finger below each sentence to focus on the word and the correct line. 

Dyslexia is often forgotten and not easily diagnosed. Usually doctors jump to “ADHD” or “ADD” first. Make sure to be on top of your well being so you can choose your best path to success. 

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